
Welcome to Sound Vascular

Are you suffering from the debilitating effects of vertebral compression fractures caused by osteoporosis or spinal trauma? At Sound Vascular, we understand the impact that these fractures can have on your quality of life. That’s why we’re proud to offer advanced treatments such as Kyphoplasty to help alleviate pain, restore spinal stability, and improve your overall well-being.

What is Kyphoplasty?

Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure designed to treat vertebral compression fractures by stabilizing the fractured bone and reducing pain. During the procedure, a small incision is made, and a specialized balloon is inserted into the fractured vertebra under fluoroscopic guidance. The balloon is then inflated to restore the height and shape of the vertebra, creating a cavity within the bone. This cavity is filled with bone cement to stabilize the fracture and provide support.

Benefits of Kyphoplasty:

Kyphoplasty can provide significant pain relief for patients suffering from vertebral compression fractures, often resulting in improved mobility and quality of life.

By restoring the height and shape of the fractured vertebra, Kyphoplasty can help restore spinal alignment and prevent further deformity.

Kyphoplasty is performed through small incisions and requires only local anesthesia, resulting in minimal disruption to surrounding tissues and a faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery.

The minimally invasive nature of Kyphoplasty reduces the risk of complications such as infection and blood loss, making it a safer option for many patients.

Why Choose Sound Vascular for Kyphoplasty?

 Our team of board-certified interventional radiologists has extensive experience performing Kyphoplasty procedures and utilizes the latest techniques and technologies to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.

We understand the physical and emotional toll that vertebral compression fractures can take, and we are committed to providing compassionate, patient-centered care to help you regain control of your life.

 Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art imaging equipment and surgical suites, allowing us to perform Kyphoplasty procedures safely and effectively in a comfortable environment.

We believe in a personalized approach to care and will work closely with you to develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Take the First Step Towards Relief

Don’t let vertebral compression fractures dictate your life. Schedule a consultation with our experts at Sound Vascular to learn more about how Kyphoplasty can help you regain mobility, reduce pain, and improve your overall quality of life. We’re here to support you every step of the way on your journey to recovery.

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